Friday, July 31, 2009

Goodbye July

Bike Miles : 36
Swim - 80 laps/about 55 mins

Ending July on a humid note! About 7 miles into my ride, I got sprinkled on for about 1o minutes.  The shower was on the southeast end of my circuit. It wasn't significant and when I passed that area later, the water had evaporated from the pavement. The best kind of shower. Enough to cool you off but not get you, your bike, or the ground wet. Met a guy leaving for work, headed out to his parked car. I saw him a couple other mornings this week, since I altered my route to avoid the "scooter intersection."  He was very friendly.  Brian went running when I got home so I had to tend to the girls while eating breakfast. 

Work was such a snore. I had one thing to do---took 5 minutes. The high points of the day were going to the gym (upper body blast-machines) and deciding to leave an hour early.  Of course, the minute I walked out the door, it started sprinkling and it was blowing like a mofo.  It had rained previously, must have been a downpour, on the Toll Road but I encountered that dreaded standing water. Hit a little bit of rain but it stopped by the time I got to Arlington County. 

I got to the pool early and was surprised to find it more crowded than my usual time. I ended up getting a lane to myself until some guy just decided he wanted to split the lane w/me (didn't ask me, just jumped in).  After about 10 minutes, the lane next to me freed up and I was able to have a lane to myself for the rest of my swim. It was pretty neat because a storm blew in while I was swimming and I could see the angry clouds through the sky lights. Had a good swim.  

Came home to puppy induced chaos. We need to work on "down" and surfing every blessed surface.  And barking. I think it would have been worth it to send her to Turtle Creek for puppy training!  Margot is wreaking havoc.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Last Thursday in July

Bike Miles: 36
Swim: 70 laps/50 minutes
A nice clear sky but pretty darn humid during my bike ride. A light prevailing wind kept it bearable, so I wasn't as drenched as I was the last two days. Saw several foxes, a raccoon, and the usual unpredictable rabbits. 

The boss was away, so the mice played today. Actually, I'm back to having very little to do again.

Had an excellent swim. Really focused on technique, particularly my breathing. There was a lady in the lane next to me who really couldn't swim and didn't get her head wet.  Before she got out of the pool, she dunked herself under a couple times, next to the pool edge. God love her for doing some laps, though. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Light Show

Bike miles: 36
Swim: 60 laps/45 minutes
There were some storms off to the southeast and southwest on the radar, but far enough away that I didn't have to worry about them impacting my bike ride. The one to the southeast must have been something because I was treated to flashes of lightning--bright---in the clouds in that direction much of the ride. No thunder. It was steamy humid and hands down, the warmest ride of the year thus far.  I couldn't tell if I was more soaked w/sweat or humidity. 

I took it slow and easy during my after-work swim.  I have some annoying post-nasal drip that was making my windpipe tickly during my swim. Not fun. I think it's from all the mold, the result of the rainy spring.  Maeve and Fiona are really suffering from skin allergies. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

28 July

Bike Miles: 36
Swim:  70 laps/50 mins
A humid and very warm ride before work---feels like "normal" summer weather around here for a change. Uneventful, thank goodness. Peaceful. I was soaked in humidity induced sweat by the time I rolled home.

I swam at the high school after work, which was relaxing.  Swimming in deeper water seems more challenging.

Monday, July 27, 2009

27 July Missing Mom

Bike Miles: 36
Swim: 70 laps/about an hour
I woke up just before the alarm, which is a little unusual. Must have really needed the sleep. Anyway, I was expecting rain, and sure enough, there was some on the radar. Nothing major looking.  A small cell of what looked like light rain headed my way, with more significant rain south and east.  So I decided to ride outside, and just as I'm leaving the house, it starts to drizzle.  I resigned myself to getting wet, hopefully, not too wet.  It ended up alternating between drizzle and very light rain for about 20-25 minutes, then it stopped. While the pavement south and east got wet, it wasn't soaked and the pavement northwest stayed dry. Not enough to muck up my bike, thank goodness.  My legs were still really fried so I didn't push it.

I really didn't want to be at work today, particularly when I got in and discovered that I was assigned an immediate that was due at COB (assigned after I left Friday).  I got that out and closed it. In addition, I was pretty productive, getting other things finished.

Had a decent commute home, so I got to the pool a tad early. Decided to slog out a longer swim, even though my legs were tired from my weight session at lunch time. It was nice to do some yoga after dinner and just relax a bit. 

Today marked 8 years since mom died.  I thought about her all day and felt like going off for a good cry. I miss her and suspect, I always will. 

Sunday, July 26, 2009

1,000 Miles

Bike Miles:  43
Swim: 80 laps/70 minutes
Finally, a month where I made 1,000 outdoor miles. July's weather cooperated, which has not been the case for most of 2009.
While there was rain on the radar, it looked like it was going to bypass us. I rode the beater bike, just in case, and wore my Gore bike cap, instead of a Buff, under my helmet.  The brim keeps the rain off my glasses.  Thus prepared, I set off, hoping that I'd encounter neither rain nor early weekend morning freaks/drunks/nuts.  Have to admit that Saturday's scare made me a little wary, so I altered my route to avoid that intersection. Worked like a champ, as the ride was uneventful.  It started to drizzle very lightly for about 15 minutes near the end of the ride. Just enough to spot the pavement but not really wet it.  That was ok because I felt vindicated, having worn that cap (it is close fitting and presses into my big head after about an hour. annoying but worth it to be able to see).  It obviously had rained overnight because there were wet patches, puddles, and some tree debris on the trail. After about 2 hours, my legs were feeling fried. No doubt a result of Saturday morning's "brick" workout!  I took it easy for the rest of the ride.
I was able to walk all three beasts, despite threatening deep blue, angry clouds in the distance. Maeve and Fiona were extra good. Even though she saw a number of rabbits, Maeve didn't pull too hard and listened to my emphatic "leave it."  Margot wore her new "medium" harness and had her walk extended by a block.  She was thrilled to be out there. I think Jan really erred by not keeping her for a Show Pick because she moves like the wind and is a natural walker (no stopping to sniff, keeps her line and goes!).
We went to the pool at noon, and I got right down to business. Even though it was in the upper 80s and only partly cloudy, the place was relatively calm. As a result, I didn't have to share the lap area with multiple folks or kids. I think I prefer swimming inside---the water is calmer, warmer, and cleaner, and things are less chaotic all around. Came home and had crusts from Brian's big pizza. I more than earned it, after this busy weekend. I'll cap the day off with some yoga later on.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Scooter Scare

Saturday, 25 July

Bike Miles: 43
Swim:  82 laps/1 hr

I woke up feeling pretty good and got right out on the bike. Unfortunately, I had a disturbing encounter.  As I was turning around to start another circuit, I saw a car and then a scooter got through the green light on the road ahead of me.  Weirdly, the scooter turned around a little ways down the road and headed back east. I got a bad feeling, which was confirmed when I could both hear the motor and see the headlight down the trail behind me. I didn't want to take a chance and turned off into an adjacent neighborhood (unknown to me, a really steep climb which I was unprepared to ride up). The scooter went down the trail just a little further, turned around, and headed back to the roadway. Even though they are verboten on the trail, I've encountered scooters every so often and have had them pass by in peace.  The rest of the ride was uneventful, thank goodness.  Earlier, I saw a person--gender unknown---dressed in a black leotard (long sleeves) and what appeared to be black patterned hose "running" down the trail.  Long black hair that looked like a wig.  Just passed s/him--we were headed in the same direction---but I didn't see s/him again!  

After I got home, I headed to the High School to swim. There were a good many people there, but they had the lanes marked -- slow, medium, and fast. Everyone was polite, there to do their business and orderly. I had a "slow" lane to myself for the entire swim, but the men in the adjacent lanes were messy/splashy swimmers. Tolerable and not annoying, since I was so fortunate to have a lane to myself. Despite having just logged a long bike ride and done a long swim the previous afternoon, I felt decently strong in the pool.  

To torture myself more, I walked all three dogs when I got home. I felt a little guilty about not walking them right after my ride, so I decided to delay my shower/breakfast to get them out. Also, it's going to be a hot/sunny day, possibly humid, so an early morning walk is required for fluffy golden retrievers!  All three did amazing well, and Margot really is the best behaved on the leash. No sniffing/lollygagging (Fiona) or pulling when something interesting passes by (Maeve).  I simply give Margot her leash to "hold" and off she goes, strutting, tail wagging, happy as can be!

I plan to get in a nap and some yoga between doing chores for the rest of the day.  

Friday, July 24, 2009

TGIF 24 July

Bike Miles: 36
Swim: 80 laps/~1 hr
There were bad storms Thursday night so I was anticipating having to ride inside on the trainer. In addition, there was a vicious thunderstorm that woke me up before midnight---lights went off for a few seconds, which required that I reset my alarm clock.
It stopped by "ride time" so I got in my outdoor miles. The pavement was wet but drying, and it was foggy/damp.  Warm, though. I felt pretty good and went at a good clip even though I was on my beater bike. There was debris on the trail, alongside the stream. I saw the big dude with his rottie, but otherwise, it was deserted. No freaks.

Looked forward to my swim all day. I went to the High School again.  It was a bit busier than Thursday and I had to share the lane for a few laps. The lane next to mine opened up, so I moved over to finish my last few laps.  It was a nice way to cap off a long week and when I left, I was pleasantly tired.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

23 July

Bike Miles: 36
Swim: 60 laps/45 minutes
Humidity has settled in, after sparing us for most of the month. It was a warm morning ride with one "weirdo" encounter.  At around mile two, I see this fella walking toward me, dressed in baggy black pants and a t-shirt.  "Surfer" blond hair, a about chin length and messy. Backpack.  Figured he was homeless. Anyway, as I neared him he says quickly in a "crazy person" manic voice, "Don't you know that the park is closed after dark?"  I ignore him, and as I go by, he yells at me "I'm calling the police."  I just thought, go ahead, slick. I've encountered several police officers out on my early morning rides, and none have ever told me that I shouldn't be using the trail.  Well, I got that out of the way early in the ride and had an uneventful rest-of-ride.  

Traffic today was heavier than usual,  both ways. In the afternoon, there were spotty rain showers. Quick movers.  Big drops for three seconds, then sun. Very strange.

I went swimming at the High School.  I wanted to check it up and there were thunderstorms on the radar. If I had gone to the pool, chances are good that I would have gotten kicked out of the water when the inevitable storm hit. Anyway, I had a great time. Got a lane to myself. It was peaceful, no kids to dodge and clear, calmer water. The temperature was warmer than outside, too. The pool is 6'6" deep across, so it was weird getting used to swimming in deeper water. I was a little freaked out at first but adjusted.  Because I didn't have to worry about kids, others popping into the lane, etc., I was able to focus and just swim. Got more done in the same amount of time. I'm so happy to have this other venue for swimming. Closer to home, too.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

22 July

Bike Miles: 36
Swim:  Day Off (swim meet)
This morning's odd moment was when a truck with a logo on its door pulled onto the trail in front of me. I think it was someone taking a short cut.  Spent a lot of this ride getting lost in random thoughts. I got so into the zone that I missed my turn home and had to back track.  

Another boring day at work.  The only good thing about that building is the nice gym!  Weirdly enough, I had an easy commute home.

No swimming today. I really needed a rest and there was a swim meet. They take over the pool well in advance of the start. On the way home, I stopped off at the High School to check out the new pool and to buy a pass for 20 swims.  Good news: it's usually not crowded around this time of day.  The pool is beautiful and the laps lanes are for adults only! I'm tempted to swim there tomorrow, regardless of the weather.  I might end up biting the bullet and buying an annual pass.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

21 July

Bike Miles: 36
Swim: 52 laps/45 mins
An uneventful ride this morning. After Monday's fireworks incident, it was a nice relief. Rain on the radar so as a precaution, I rode the dreaded beater bike.  It seemed to be the charm to a dry ride.

Even though it was well in the 80s, the pool wasn't too crowded and I had the lap lane to my self for almost all of my swim. Ended the day with a nice session of yoga. I made a point of focusing and relaxing.

Monday, July 20, 2009

20 July

Bike Mileage: 36
Swim: 52 laps/45 minutes

My ride started out ok. It was partly cloudy and in the mid-60s.  As I was completing my first circuit, I heard someone speaking off the side of the trail. Didn't sound like a bum or a drunk. I thought they were in the covered bench area and I didn't see them because I was focused on the pavement ahead of me. Didn't think twice about it. As I was coming back around, I see a flash and voila, the doofus starts shooting off fireworks right in front of me. I just stopped. He must have shot off six of them, different colors. Sparks were coming down on the pavement and had I been riding through, I'd probably been burned. When it seemed like he was finished, I just rode through. Thankfully, he must have entertained himself sufficiently or ran out of firepower. About five miles later, I encountered a commuter and I warned him about the potential assault awaiting him. Thankfully, the only other exciting encounter was coming up on five or six raccoons in the 2nd underpass. They scattered when they saw me coming!  Never saw so many of them congregating in one place. Thirty-six miles completed.  And it wasn't even a full moon.

Another absolutely boring day at work, but there might be light at the end of the tunnel. Just a small ray of it, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

It was cloudy, threatening rain most of the day, and temps in the high 70s/low 80s. The pool wasn't crowded, as a consequence.  I took it easy swimming because my legs were pretty fried from my weight workout earlier in the day.  After about a half hour, I started getting a little cold but I was determined to do 50 laps.  "Occasional rain/thunder" is the weather word for the week, so I have to get in my outdoor activities when the weather cooperates.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cheers to the Weekend!

Saturday started nice because I slept really well Friday night. Our "Margot countermeasures" worked like a champ, as she slept the entire night and made no fuss going into her crate.  I was a little worried that I was going to encounter either rain or wet pavement on my ride but the storms either died out over the mountains or missed us.  Started out a bit windy but there was a discernible increase in the wind speed as the ride progressed. NW winds, of course, which means in the direction of the upward slopes and worst of the hills. Conversely, the tailwinds were lovely and had me hauling azz. I rode my Eclipse and after spending most of the last week on my ti Seven, I really enjoyed the nice feel of riding a steel bike!  The noteworthy moment on this 43 mile ride was encountering a dude, dressed in a black "wife beater" shirt and black shorts, who saluted me by waving  his skateboard at me and saying "cheers."  As I said "hey" and as I passed by, he climbed on his board and went in the other direction. The board really was a piece of art---there were bright designs painted on it and it was a shiny black.  Moments like that make it worthwhile to drag myself out early before the usual crowd of non-interesting citizens hog up the trail!
We went swimming and quite to our surprise, it was just about deserted. Probably because a group of autistic kids was scheduled to show up.  In any event, I had the lap lane to myself for my entire 80 lap swim. It was partly sunny and not super warm.  When we got home, we had another big pizza, then I took a two-hour nap. 
Sunday began with a chilly 46 mile ride. It was in the low 60s and humidity was quite low. The sky was completely clear, so I was able to enjoy the lovely early morning stars and a bright crescent moon. Rode my Eclipse again. It was an uneventful ride, which was just what I needed. After I got home, I got each of the girls out for her walk.  "Alone time" with mommy!  LOL. Margot is getting better and better on her leash, taking it in her mouth, just like Fiona, and pulling me along.  "I'm in charge, this way, pick up the pace please."  Her harness is getting a bit tight, so next week, I'm probably going to have to break out the next size one. 

We got to the pool, right before scheduled opening time to find madness. Today was the swim team's "family" time--an annual event where they take over the pool for two hours before opening. Despite efforts by management to get them out, many of them stayed. The head life guard, Igor--a fractious Serbian, said to me, "good luck finding room to swim."  I replied, "well, you'll get them out of the way for me!"  LOL  I was able to find us some lounge chairs and the lap lane was vacant, aside from some woman, standing in the water next to the ladder talking to a pal.  In the adjacent area of the pool, there was a rowdy game of keep away going on, the object of which was this big pink beach ball.  It, of course, kept coming into the lap area as I was swimming. After nicely but very stridently asking the kids to keep out of the way (they would linger in the lap area when fetching the errant ball), they were more or less courteous.  I ended up swimming 80 laps in about 70 minutes.  Brian read and napped on his chair. Thank God it's a once-a-season event. The old lady (aka Flipper) showed about after about 25 minutes, so I moved myself to the further side of the lap area so she would be furthest way from the rascals and their antics.  Later, she thanked me.  She, too, was annoyed by the crowd and their rudeness.  

It was a decent day, weather-wise, mostly cloudy but cooler than usual for this time of year.  No nap, which probably was just as well since tomorrow is back to the grind.

Monday, July 13, 2009

13-17 July

Monday: It was hard to get out of bed this morning, but once I was up, dressed, and on the bike, I was OK. I slogged out 36 miles, but I was pretty tired from the active weekend. Highlight of this ride: saw a big duck or owl fly right over me. After a very tumultuous day at work, I went for a swim, looking for relaxation. It was a madhouse---crowded, particularly in the lap lane (people standing by the side, not swimming, & a group of teenage boys swimming one lap at lunch & taking a break). Regardless, I gutted it out, tried not to get frustrated, and swam 40 laps (35 minutes). My shoulders were sore from lifting weights at lunch.
Tuesday: I was expecting it to be very cool this morning, as they predicted temps in the low 60s. It was in the high 60s with low humidity. I saw a young doe, eating foliage. Got in my usual 36 mile ride but I focused on riding in the easier gears to give my legs a bit of a break.  Work was very busy, and while I got a lot done, I left there stressed out. The girls made it worse when I got home (Fiona wouldn't come inside and I had to go round her up, never easy).  Regardless, I went to the pool and found the lap swim area blessedly uncrowded.  I enjoyed every lap---swam 50 laps, 40-45 minutes. I really didn't want to get out of the pool but stopped myself at 50.
Wednesday:  A non-eventful 36 mile ride to start the day. Nice weather, but cooler than yesterday and a touch more humid.  Stars were bright and I saw several foxes. Work was pretty uneventful---I've pretty much run out of things to do.  The girls were much better behaved when I got home, and Fiona came right in. I got to the pool a bit earlier, as a consequence, and I managed to do a repeat of Tuesday (50 laps--40-45 mins).  It was more crowded than Tuesday and a bratty little boy kept coming into the lap lanes to retrieve his ball. I asked him a couple times not to throw the ball into my lane, but he persisted. Finally, I just yelled at him. The lifeguard finally noticed and whistled for him to stop.  LOL, I also scared the annoying little girls who had joined me in the lap lane and kept drifting over toward me. I seem to be a magnet for these little girls---this wasn't the first time they've seen me swimming and joined me. While they move over when I ask them, very nicely, to do so, watching out for them is something I'd prefer not to do.  Anyway, I must have scared the hell out of them by yelling at the kid because they promptly got out of the water. LOL
Thursday:  I dragged myself out of bed to ride this morning, expecting possible rain showers. It was dry and no signs of rain on the ground or on the radar.  My legs were wiped out, so I took it at a higher cadence, easier gears.  Churned out my usual 36 mile ride. Wednesday's leg workout was tough, as I increased the weight on presses, extensions, and hamstring curls.  After work, I went swimming.  It was the hottest day so far this summer, but the place was not too packed. I cranked out 50 laps in 45 minutes.
TGIF: Margot is in her "me not want to sleep at night" phase, so things have been rough. Lots of barking. I was relieved to pull myself out of bed and go for my bike ride. Peace!  It was quite warm so I encountered a few people on their way home from "last night."  One guy kept making weird noises at me.  Harmless but the first time, he startled me.  Got in my usual 36 miler.  At work, I had absolutely nothing to do so I left right after doing my required time.  In addition, there was what looked like storms on the radar and I didn't want to get stuck in it on the already-hellish Friday commute home.  I hit a few momentary patches of rain--light to big drops---during my drive. When I got home, I checked the radar again and everything seemed to be clearing the area. I fed the girls and high tailed it to the pool.  Because of the threatening skies, the place was not crowded.  As I was swimming, I could see the skies getting the deep dark storm cloud blue, and before long, it started to rain. Nothing intense, thank goodness, and no thunder. Soon, I was the one swimmer in the pool. It was nice, even though the temperature was dropping a little. There were a few swimming lessons still going on, though, so I wasn't the only person in the water. Got in my planned 50 laps in about 45 minutes, then headed home.  We had a big pizza dinner, which was a great way to cap off an active work week (active in terms of my leisure-time activities).

Saturday, July 11, 2009

What a Weekend

Saturday: It's a mostly cloudy Saturday but for now, dry. I started the morning off with a 43 mile bike ride.  It was warmer than yesterday, but not too humid. The highlight was seeing a young doe.  While I felt pretty strong despite my active week, I tried to keep my pace under control.  Rain is predicted for later today, possibly in to tomorrow morning, so I wanted to enjoy this one.

Bunnies are overtaking the south part of the neighborhood. The girls love seeing them during their walks. We don't have any in our yard. Yet. That's good because the tomatoes, so far, have been unmolested by squirrels and other animals.

Margot was such a champ on her walk Saturday morning. I was able to get her in the harness while she was still sleepy, so it was an easier start. She was strutting on her walk, with her leash in her mouth. I'm amazed at how well she is doing on walks. When we got home, she wanted a second breakfast. Growing so fast.

Saturday's swim went well, particularly since it was my first time with my new polarized goggles. Makes a huge difference not to have the sun in my eyes. In addition, these goggles give better peripheral vision. Took it at a measured clip and logged 80 laps in about 75 minutes. 

Sunday: The rain predicted for Saturday night into Sunday morning avoided us for the most part, so I got in a dry 43 mile ride. There were some signs that there might have been a brief shower in South Arlington (a couple patches of drying pavement), but things were bone dry in North Arlington/Falls Church.  It was very, very humid, so the gnats were out in full force.  

Got the pool right when they opened, which was good since I had to share the lap area with several folks.  A couple of whom were sloppy in terms of splashing.  I ended up sticking it out and doing 90 laps, making this my longest session in the pool. Really didn't take any breaks, either. It was mostly sunny and the warmest day in awhile.  My shoulder and neck are a little sore, so I'll do some yoga after giving the girls their dinner. 

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Rest of the Work Week

Thursday started on with my regular 36-mile ride. Cool, bright full moon, dry, nice. I'm trying not to get used to this weather because rain is inevitable. In the meantime, I'm enjoying every dry mile. 

 I went to the pool after work. Came home first to let out the girls and give Margot a little break from the crate. Thankfully, it wasn't crowded at the pool and I was able to swim 50 laps, more freestyle than breast stroke!  Because the sun was in my eyes on my laps "back," it was a little tough.  Breast stroke, I'm facing south coming back, so the sun isn't an issue. Spent about 45 minutes in the water.

Friday's 36 mile ride was nice. Notable moments:  saw a big-eared young fox carrying either a dead rat or dead rabbit in its mouth, heading off to have breakfast. Also passed a bird, sleeping in the middle of the pavement!  Another clear, bright moonlit sky. 

After a pretty stressful commute home, I let the girls out, fed them, and went swimming. It was so nice because they had an extra lane blocked off for lap swim, and I had it to myself most of the time.  That was probably because it was cloudy and in the low 80s.  I ended up swimming about 50 minutes//60 laps. 

I might have found another place to swim after the summer pool season ends. Keeping my fingers crossed because I don't want to have to go to the crowded HS pool exclusively.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back to the Grind

Back to work.... 

Started the day with a bright moon-lit  36 mile bike ride. The weather was nice, warmer than it's been.  Encountered another early bird cyclist on his way to work.

There's a swim meet tonite so I can't go to the pool. Just as well because I need a day off from the water.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Full Moon, Bright Sun

My last day off for awhile.   I'm hoping to take a day in August before Labor Day, but it'll depend. 

Started off with a very nice 43-mile bike ride. The moon was very bright and gave some nice "moon light."  The very few clouds did little to obscure it. Not surprisingly, I was pretty tired -- particularly my legs -- during the ride. I've had very active past week. Going back to work tomorrow, while dreaded, will give me a bit of an enforced rest.

Maeve, Fiona, and Margot got walks, which all three enjoyed. Margot has taken to the leash better than any golden puppy we've raised, including the wonderful, perfect Agnes. Maeve is much better than she had been so long as we don't encounter any humans/animals. Fiona is a bit of  a dwaddler, sniffing this and that, but she doesn't linger as much as she used to due to my drill sergeant ways. 

The sun persisted, so it heated up nicely. I had a marvelous time at the pool. Because I knew it was unlikely that I'll swim tomorrow, I did extra work. Ended up swimming MOSTLY freestyle, which was an accomplishment, and focusing on technique. I cranked out 80 laps in 75 minutes.  It was very relaxing but my shoulders are really feeling it now. I'm so happy that I rediscovered my love of the water and of swimming. The more time I spend in the pool, I become more confident a swimmer. Actually felt strong today, too.

Came home to find that the mailman brought my two new swimsuits!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunny Monday

Brian and I are taking today off, extending the holiday. While he insists on returning to work tomorrow, I decided to make this a five-day weekend and take leave. It's good to have a day to yourself. 

I got up at the normal time today and rode 43 miles. Luckily, the rain stayed south of us yesterday, so it was dry. Aside from the inevitable rabbits, I saw no wildlife. I was surprised that I didn't encounter any commuters during my last  few miles, but maybe other people decided to extend the weekend, too. Gorgeous sunrise, particularly since it was clear and the stars were so bright. 

Between the bike ride and going to the pool, I walked Fiona and Maeve, read some more of my new Laura Lippman book, and took a nice nap!  The last helped me re-engergize for my time swimming. What a nice day for it, mostly sunny, warming up. It was kind of chilly in the pool, probably because yesterday and last night were not July warm. So happy it wasn't crowded.  I swam 70 laps, just a smidge over an hour. Brian went in the deep end and had a good time, too.  

Sunday, July 5, 2009

No Sun Sunday

I woke up expecting to find it raining. Much to my surprise, it was dry. There was some light rain on the radar, but it was patchy and the dewpoint was pretty low. I, therefore, decided to give it a chance and anticipating getting wet, took my beater bike out for a ride.  It was a dry 43 miles, which made me very happy.  Even better, it held off so I could walk about Maeve and Fiona.  

The cloudy, rain-threatening, cool weather persisted through the day. Brian wanted to go to the pool, so I went ahead and joined him. We were literally the only non-employees there. Nice, because I had the pool to myself. I swam an hour, logging 60 laps. I decided to focus on form, so I went at a decidedly slower pace. Started out comfortable but I ended up getting cold by the time I got out of the pool. I thought about doing 10 more but decided not to push it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th

This morning, the sunrise for which I hoped yesterday showed itself during my bike ride. The sky was clear, and the morning stars lovely. Another chilly one -- low sixties -- but not too bad. I saw a swarm of bunnies, several of whom had a death wish and darted in front of me. In addition, I saw a fox.  

The memorable event of the ride was encountering a young hippie type on his way home from what presumably was a wild night. Dressed all in black -- t-shirt and long shorts w/black sneakers.  Beard, long hair.  Asked me, "hey dude, do you have a smoke?"  I said, "no, sorry" and zoomed by. Guess he thought I was a guy.  Not sure why he thought there was any chance someone riding a Seven, decked out in cycling attire, would have a fag in their jersey pocket.  LOL.  He was harmless.

Maeve and Fiona really enjoyed their walks.  I think both of them are happy to get some alone time with me, as well as get away from Margot.  The latter is getting so big!

We got to the pool when it opened, which was smart given the KofC was having a picnic and things were going to get crowded after the mob filled up with chow. Brian saw a bunch of them coming in, staking out their territory by leaving their towels on chairs, then going off to the pavilion. I was able to swim an hour -- 7o laps -- in relative peace and quiet.  Sun was in and out, and it was a tad cool. 

After we got home and had lunch, I had a nice two-hour nap. Slept like the dead. 

Friday, July 3, 2009


Started my Holiday with a nice, 43-mile early morning ride on my Seven.  It was pretty cool outside---lows 60s---for a July morning. The NW wind kept the humidity at bay so the no-see-ums/gnats weren't as bothersome as usual. I was anticipating a nice sunrise but clouds moved in.  After getting home, Maeve and Fiona got to go on walks. Maeve tested both my patience and arm strength when we passed another dog and his daddy out walking.  The old girl is strong as an ox.  Brian and I ended up taking Margot on her first walk, just around the block. She did very well on the leash, and she met a few neighbors.  Best of all, it tired her out for several hours.

The scat mat is working like a champ!

It was cloudy but we went to the pool. I plowed out 71 laps in an hour, and the pool was not too crowded.

The holiday break has gotten off to a nice start.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Half Day Off!

We got a three-hour early release, so I was outta there around 11:30 and in the pool by 12:15ish.  It was overcast, with nice peeks of sun, and not too crowded. Actually, I was first one in the pool with the lap lane. Nothing like getting into that smooth water and being the first to plow through it.  Since I lifted weights in the morning, my shoulders were pretty tired. I managed to swim an hour---about 60 laps of freestyle/breastroke.  My left side is weaker than my left---result of the broken clav, broken elbow, and being right handed. I'm going to have to work on strengthening it by doing extra sets on that side when I lift weights.

This morning's bike ride was nice, too. Very humid but most of the rain from Wednesday evening had evaporated. A couple foxes crossed my path, so it was double good luck (hence the three-hour early release).

Got home to dog madness. Actually, Margot wasn't too bad today and I was able to finish my Michael Connolly book.  Brian was so sweet, as he was able to stop on his way home and get a couple scat mats, plus some Avoderm for Maeve and Fiona. Going to just all EVO has made their coats/skin dry, so the Avoderm will get them back on track.

I'm taking a couple days off, so I've started a five-day weekend!!  Looks like the weather will be nice, too.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Best Afternoon

I escaped work at around 11:30 to take the Subaru in for it's scheduled maintenance and State inspection. When I made the appt, they promised that it would take only 45 minutes. I didn't believe it, so I took  the entire afternoon off, figuring I'd be sitting around waiting.

To my surprise, the car was done within the promised time frame, and I made it home by just after one. I let the beasts out for a bathroom break, changed into my swimsuit, and went to the pool.  It was not too crowded, despite the sunny and very warm conditions, and I swam for almost an hour.  I think I logged in 66 laps or so. Lost count after 60 because several kids decided to invade the lap lanes and "swim" splashy, wandering laps. It was OK because I was just about done.  


This morning, there was what looked like a thunderstorm or a semi-significant but very small pocket of rain on the radar, almost over where I live/ride. Should I risk it and ride outside or suck it up indoors, on the trainer, with Coach Troy. I checked outside and it started raining. Since it was a little pocket I ended up changing jerseys, donning my Gore cycling cap to wear under my helmet, and pumping up the tires on my beater bike.

It was raining lightly when I started, but most of the rain was dry. The rain stopped after a couple miles, but there was a small, light patch of rain for about five miles after about a half hour. Nothing of significance, thank goodness. The trail/road were wet and of course, my bike and calves were coated in sand/dirt by the end of the ride. There was also patchy fog. I was able to get in my planned miles -- 36.  Might be some rain tomorrow morning, so I'm glad that I got it in today.

No swimming yesterday, as I had my hair colored and I needed to give it 24 hours to "set" before exposing it to pool chemicals. I could have gone if I wanted to wear a swim cap but decided against it.  I needed at least one rest day from swimming to give my shoulders a break, regardless.  Instead, I took Fiona on a walk---a nice break from Margot and her puppy madness!