Monday, July 27, 2009

27 July Missing Mom

Bike Miles: 36
Swim: 70 laps/about an hour
I woke up just before the alarm, which is a little unusual. Must have really needed the sleep. Anyway, I was expecting rain, and sure enough, there was some on the radar. Nothing major looking.  A small cell of what looked like light rain headed my way, with more significant rain south and east.  So I decided to ride outside, and just as I'm leaving the house, it starts to drizzle.  I resigned myself to getting wet, hopefully, not too wet.  It ended up alternating between drizzle and very light rain for about 20-25 minutes, then it stopped. While the pavement south and east got wet, it wasn't soaked and the pavement northwest stayed dry. Not enough to muck up my bike, thank goodness.  My legs were still really fried so I didn't push it.

I really didn't want to be at work today, particularly when I got in and discovered that I was assigned an immediate that was due at COB (assigned after I left Friday).  I got that out and closed it. In addition, I was pretty productive, getting other things finished.

Had a decent commute home, so I got to the pool a tad early. Decided to slog out a longer swim, even though my legs were tired from my weight session at lunch time. It was nice to do some yoga after dinner and just relax a bit. 

Today marked 8 years since mom died.  I thought about her all day and felt like going off for a good cry. I miss her and suspect, I always will. 

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