Saturday, July 25, 2009

Scooter Scare

Saturday, 25 July

Bike Miles: 43
Swim:  82 laps/1 hr

I woke up feeling pretty good and got right out on the bike. Unfortunately, I had a disturbing encounter.  As I was turning around to start another circuit, I saw a car and then a scooter got through the green light on the road ahead of me.  Weirdly, the scooter turned around a little ways down the road and headed back east. I got a bad feeling, which was confirmed when I could both hear the motor and see the headlight down the trail behind me. I didn't want to take a chance and turned off into an adjacent neighborhood (unknown to me, a really steep climb which I was unprepared to ride up). The scooter went down the trail just a little further, turned around, and headed back to the roadway. Even though they are verboten on the trail, I've encountered scooters every so often and have had them pass by in peace.  The rest of the ride was uneventful, thank goodness.  Earlier, I saw a person--gender unknown---dressed in a black leotard (long sleeves) and what appeared to be black patterned hose "running" down the trail.  Long black hair that looked like a wig.  Just passed s/him--we were headed in the same direction---but I didn't see s/him again!  

After I got home, I headed to the High School to swim. There were a good many people there, but they had the lanes marked -- slow, medium, and fast. Everyone was polite, there to do their business and orderly. I had a "slow" lane to myself for the entire swim, but the men in the adjacent lanes were messy/splashy swimmers. Tolerable and not annoying, since I was so fortunate to have a lane to myself. Despite having just logged a long bike ride and done a long swim the previous afternoon, I felt decently strong in the pool.  

To torture myself more, I walked all three dogs when I got home. I felt a little guilty about not walking them right after my ride, so I decided to delay my shower/breakfast to get them out. Also, it's going to be a hot/sunny day, possibly humid, so an early morning walk is required for fluffy golden retrievers!  All three did amazing well, and Margot really is the best behaved on the leash. No sniffing/lollygagging (Fiona) or pulling when something interesting passes by (Maeve).  I simply give Margot her leash to "hold" and off she goes, strutting, tail wagging, happy as can be!

I plan to get in a nap and some yoga between doing chores for the rest of the day.  

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