Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Light Show

Bike miles: 36
Swim: 60 laps/45 minutes
There were some storms off to the southeast and southwest on the radar, but far enough away that I didn't have to worry about them impacting my bike ride. The one to the southeast must have been something because I was treated to flashes of lightning--bright---in the clouds in that direction much of the ride. No thunder. It was steamy humid and hands down, the warmest ride of the year thus far.  I couldn't tell if I was more soaked w/sweat or humidity. 

I took it slow and easy during my after-work swim.  I have some annoying post-nasal drip that was making my windpipe tickly during my swim. Not fun. I think it's from all the mold, the result of the rainy spring.  Maeve and Fiona are really suffering from skin allergies. 

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