Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th

This morning, the sunrise for which I hoped yesterday showed itself during my bike ride. The sky was clear, and the morning stars lovely. Another chilly one -- low sixties -- but not too bad. I saw a swarm of bunnies, several of whom had a death wish and darted in front of me. In addition, I saw a fox.  

The memorable event of the ride was encountering a young hippie type on his way home from what presumably was a wild night. Dressed all in black -- t-shirt and long shorts w/black sneakers.  Beard, long hair.  Asked me, "hey dude, do you have a smoke?"  I said, "no, sorry" and zoomed by. Guess he thought I was a guy.  Not sure why he thought there was any chance someone riding a Seven, decked out in cycling attire, would have a fag in their jersey pocket.  LOL.  He was harmless.

Maeve and Fiona really enjoyed their walks.  I think both of them are happy to get some alone time with me, as well as get away from Margot.  The latter is getting so big!

We got to the pool when it opened, which was smart given the KofC was having a picnic and things were going to get crowded after the mob filled up with chow. Brian saw a bunch of them coming in, staking out their territory by leaving their towels on chairs, then going off to the pavilion. I was able to swim an hour -- 7o laps -- in relative peace and quiet.  Sun was in and out, and it was a tad cool. 

After we got home and had lunch, I had a nice two-hour nap. Slept like the dead. 

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