Friday, July 3, 2009


Started my Holiday with a nice, 43-mile early morning ride on my Seven.  It was pretty cool outside---lows 60s---for a July morning. The NW wind kept the humidity at bay so the no-see-ums/gnats weren't as bothersome as usual. I was anticipating a nice sunrise but clouds moved in.  After getting home, Maeve and Fiona got to go on walks. Maeve tested both my patience and arm strength when we passed another dog and his daddy out walking.  The old girl is strong as an ox.  Brian and I ended up taking Margot on her first walk, just around the block. She did very well on the leash, and she met a few neighbors.  Best of all, it tired her out for several hours.

The scat mat is working like a champ!

It was cloudy but we went to the pool. I plowed out 71 laps in an hour, and the pool was not too crowded.

The holiday break has gotten off to a nice start.

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