Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunny Monday Morning

Bike Miles - 36
Swim - 2,000/57 mins

Yesterday, the bruises I sustained in the "cur" wipeout were very sore, so I iced them and took advil to reduce the swelling. Had a restless night's sleep, mainly worrying about encountering the dude and the cur again this morning.
When I got up, I was feeling better in terms of the soreness. I was able to pound out a relatively gentle 36 mile ride, and I was mindful not to push it. I was approaching the end of my last circuit, I saw the cur and his owner, the bald jerk, off to the side of the trail. He kept the cur off the trail until I cleared the area, thank God. For the rest of the ride, I was praying that I didn't encounter them again, particularly on the killer hill.  I knew I'd have to dismount or go by the dog, keeping my fingers crossed that he didn't lunge at me (there is no grass to cushion a landing there---macadam and concrete.  My prayers were answered and I didn't see them.  The jerk is going out later now, so I'm pretty sure he'll start meeting up with bike commuters. I think he would find one of those men less understanding and forgiving about his lunging dog than I had been....

Got off the bike and the tender area at the top/back of my right leg was very sore again. Also, the bruising on my calves and left knee are pretty spectacular.  Took some advil, which hopefully will reduce the swelling.

My swim was OK. I think my bike accident really knocked the bejezus out of my body because my inner thighs were simply wiped out when I was doing breast stroke.  It didn't impact me at all during freestyle, despite the horrific leg/knee bruising.  Still, it wasn't crowded - a nice surprise - so I took advantage and did 80 laps. Got really cold by the end of the swim. When I initially came into the deck area before swimming, I noticed it was not as warm/humid as usual (the water is always a little cool but even if you get cold in the water, the warm deck area warms you up when you get out). Went through the icebox of a hall into a not-so-warm locker room where I dried off and put on dry clothes. Ended up having the shivers---chattering teeth, shaking.  I had to turn the heater on high in the car and sit a few minutes before I could drive. My legs were quivering so much that there was no way I could have worked the clutch!  

Came home and walked the girls. Legs felt pretty good but I decided not to do my planned leg weight workout today. Instead, I did shoulders and back. 

Will be icing, applying arnica gels, and advil'ing again today.  I'm on the mend, thank goodness. It could have been so much worse.

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